Markdown EditorOriginally used simplemde-markdown-editor as the markdown editor, but this library has not been updated and maintained for a long time, and there is also the risk of xss. So after the v3.9.3+ version, use tui.editor as the new editor. All the next documents are Based on tui.editor it. More Content.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
value | String | " " | This prop can change content of the editor. If you using v-model , don't use it. |
options | Object | following defaultOptions | Options of tui.editor. This is for initailize tui.editor. |
height | String | '300px' | This prop can control the height of the editor. |
mode | String | 'markdown' | This prop can change mode of the editor. (markdown or wysiwyg ) |
language | String | 'en_US' | i18n |
const defaultOptions = {
minHeight: '200px',
previewStyle: 'vertical',
useCommandShortcut: true,
useDefaultHTMLSanitizer: true,
usageStatistics: false,
hideModeSwitch: false,
toolbarItems: [
- setValue
- getValue
- setHtml
- getHtml
<markdown-editor v-model="content" />
import MarkdownEditor from '@/components/MarkdownEditor'
export default {
data() {
return {
content: '',