Svg Icon

Global icon component: Svg Icon.

By default, the Svg Icon component is registered in @/icons, and can be used anywhere in the project. All icons can be found in @/icons/svg. You can add or remove the icon by yourself, and the icon will be imported automatically without manual operation.


<!-- use icon-class to setting name; use `class-name` to customizing class -->
<svg-icon icon-class="password"  class-name='custom-class' />

Change color

By default, svg-icon reads its parent color fill: currentColor;

You can change the parent color or directly fill color.

Import from url v4.2.0+

Support import svg from external url. E.g:

<svg-icon icon-class="https://xxxx.svg />


If you are downloading an icon from iconfont, remember to use a tool such as Sketch to specify the size of the icon. Otherwise, the size of the icons in the project may not be uniform.

The icons used in this project are all 128*128 size specifications.


If you encounter the wrong color of the icon, you can refer to the issue for modification